1. Two differing Frames of Reference (One Rotating Coordinate System (Non-Inertial) — *The Earth* and One Non-Rotating Coordinate System (Inertial) — *The Atmosphere* …and anything in it)…
When set in motion, freely moving objects, including *AIR* [ Atmosphere ] and *WATER* masses [ Clouds/Water Vapor ], move in straight paths while the Earth continues to
Because freely moving objects *ARE NOT* carried with the Earth as it Rotates, they are subject to an APPARENT DEFLECTION called the “Coriolis Effect.” To an observer rotating with the Earth, freely moving objects that travel in a straight line APPEAR to travel in a curved path on the Earth.”
Segar, Douglas A; Introduction to Ocean Sciences, 2nd Edition: Critical Concept Reminders — CC.12 The Coriolis Effect (pp. 313, 314, 323, 324),
ISBN: 978-0-393-92629-3, 2007.
2. The Object in question not Physically Attached to the Rotating Coordinate System (Earth) APPEARS to deflect (i.e., MOVES INDEPENDENTLY of the Rotating Coordinate System) from a vantage point anywhere on the rotating coordinate system (Earth).
So if the Coriolis Effect Exists, *With Respect to the Earth*, then a Flight from Charlotte North Carolina to LA (Non-Stop) traveling @ 500 mph (Air Speed) with both locations roughly 35th degree N Latitude, (i.e., both ‘allegedly’ spinning @ 860 mph ) should be ~ *1.5 hours !!* (But it’s ~ *4.5 hrs’ !!* )
Charlotte to LA Flight: Air Speed 500 mph.
Ground Speed: 500 mph + 860 mph “Alleged” rotation speed = 1360 mph.
So in my example:
1. Two differing Frames of Reference: ( 1. Earth and 2. Atmosphere .
2. The Plane in the Atmosphere is “Freely Moving” (not attached) to the Rotating Coordinate System and is flying in a straight path.
In other words, Based on the Law of Non-Contradiction each (The Coriolis Effect *With Respect to the Earth* and the Charlotte Flight at 1.5 hours) are either:
Both TRUE or Both FALSE.
*The Flight is Most Assuredly FALSE !!*
THEREFORE, the Earth is *NOT* “Spinning”; ERGO…”The Spinning-Ball” goes by way of the Do Do Bird or you’re a Stationary Ball Geo-Centrist.

Point 1: If the Coriolis Effect exists on the Earth:

Point 5: To find the time “T” the plane flight would take, we use the Formula: “D”istance = “R”ate x “T”ime.
Rearranging to solve for time “T”, would be: D/R = T.
So the Distance from Charlotte NC to LAX is: 2115 Miles.
2115 Miles/1360 mph. ERGO, the Flight Time MUST BE: = 1.5 Hours.

The only way the above can be refuted is if you’re of the position that the “Atmosphere ‘spins’ with the Earth“.

One Non-Rotating (Inertial) — *The Atmosphere* …and EVERYTHING in it ??
Violation of the Law of Non-Contradiction #1 !!
2. Show the Experiment where *’Gases’/Gas* rotate in Lock-Step with a *Rotating Solid Body* just 5 cm above the surface, then provide the mechanism…?
You do understand GASES have *NO INTER-Molecular Bonds* ? (Obviously Rhetorical)
So do Gas Molecules attach to the Earth, and each other (smh), by: Velcro, Super Glue, Molasses? Pixie Dust? Other ??
And ahhh, Gas Molecules (AIR) vibrate and move freely and randomly at high speeds.
Good visual here ^^^^^^^^ for 2nd Graders.
*Question:* How can Gas Molecules…that make up the Atmosphere, that move FREELY and RANDOMLY at high speeds, YET (according to ‘Intellectual Elite’ BallTARDS): *ROTATE IN UNISON* ( *NOT* moving Freely and Randomly at High Speeds ) with the Earth from West to East ?
Violation of the Law of Non-Contradiction #2 !!
3. Please explain *“EAST/North/South”*
.Violation of the Law of Non-Contradiction #3 !!
(Bonus Question: How you can have *different* wind speeds moving in *different* directions simultaneously at *differing* elevations of the atmosphere, all the while the atmosphere is collectively ‘spinning’ East, in Unison
ps. It’d be easier reconciling Married Bachelors !! smfh
btw, These are *Contradictory Statements*:
1. The Atmosphere ‘spins’ with the Earth.
2. The Existence of *”EAST/North/South“*
(Not even speaking to differing wind directions and speeds at many levels of the atmosphere, simultaneously!! Primary School Example: Lower Clouds moving different directions/speeds than higher clouds. ‘duh’)
Which do you think is FALSE ?
MOREOVER, following the Ballers yarn… Every Cubic Nanometer of atmosphere traveling horizontally from the equator to the center of rotation *MUST HAVE* differing Tangential Speeds; and every Cubic Nanometer of atmosphere rising in elevation from each respective horizontal Cubic Nanometer of atmosphere *MUST HAVE* differing Tangential Speeds (In fact, the higher the elevation… the faster they’ll need to travel to keep up !!); and all of this rolling along at differing speeds… in Unison, EAST ??
AND, does anyone know how far up this ‘Increasing Speed’ Rope-A-Dope Fairytale Spinning Atmosphere ENDS?? I’d like to see that…it’ll give a Whole New Meaning to *Guillotine “WIND SHEAR” !!*
Goodness Gracious People. smh
ps. Are the Gas Molecules attached to each other by: Velcro ?? Glue ?? Pixie Dust ?? Other ??
And where is the energy coming from for the continuous “Shot in the Arm” injections needed to keep each successive Cubic Nanometer of atmosphere higher elevation brethren in tow?

I’d sure like some of the Angel Dust Laced Shrooms the Spinning Space Monkeys are Snorting !!!
Please Focus on: *”APPARENT DEFLECTION“* (i.e., *”NOT REAL“* ), *”APPEARS“* , and *DOES NOT ACTUALLY* in the following Citations…
“*CC.12 The Coriolis Effect* :
When set in motion, freely moving objects, including *AIR* [Atmosphere] and *WATER* masses [Clouds/Water Vapor], move in straight paths while the Earth continues to
Because freely moving objects ARE NOT carried with the Earth as it Rotates, they are subject to an
*APPARENT DEFLECTION* called the “Coriolis effect.” To an observer rotating with the Earth, freely moving objects that travel in a straight line *APPEAR* to travel in a curved path on the Earth.”
“The effect of the Coriolis Force is an *APPARENT DEFLECTION* of the path of an object that moves within a ROTATING COORDINATE SYSTEM. The object *DOES NOT ACTUALLY* deviate from its path, but *IT APPEARS* to do so because of the motion of THE COORDINATE SYSTEM.”
University of Oregon
California State University
Ya See Them ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ??

*”APPARENT DEFLECTION“* (i.e, *”NOT REAL“* ), *”APPEARS“* , and *DOES NOT ACTUALLY* ?????????? Por Favor ?????????????
In other words: How can Clouds be…

Violation of the Law of Non-Contradiction ON NUCLEAR STEROIDS !!
This is tantamount to giving a Presentation on Quantum Numbers with Excruciating Details on s,p,d, and f orbitals (They’re not ‘orbitals’ btw) then concluding that they are responsible for the creation of Facultative Anaerobe Woodpeckers !!!
The Prosecution Rests.
You live in a Fairytale.
The End.
“Once you set one in motion, its direction of swing will rotate at a rate of about 0.2 degrees every minute. But in fact, it isn’t really the pendulum that’s rotating: the pendulum is swinging back and forth in exactly the same direction.
which makes it APPEAR that the pendulum is in fact changing direction.”
What’s does this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sound Like ??

2. If the Foucault Pendulum is Legit…which denotes Two Separate Reference Frames:
THEN… a Flight from Charlotte North Carolina to LA (Non-Stop) traveling @ 500 mph (Air Speed) with both locations roughly 35th degree N Latitude, (i.e., both ‘allegedly’ spinning @ 860 mph ) should be ~ *1.5 hours !!* (But it’s ~ *4.5 hrs!!* ).
Charlotte to LA Flight:
Air Speed 500 mph.
Ground Speed: 500 mph + 860 mph “Alleged” rotation speed (In your face) = 1360 mph.
Distance between Charlotte NC and Los Angeles: 2115 Miles.
Flight Time **MUST BE**: 1.5 hrs.
ACTUAL Flight Time: 4.5 hrs.
Does This 1.5 hr Flight Time Happen ?? No ??

If *”P“* then *”Q“*.
NOT *”Q“*.
Therefore, NOT *”P“*.
If the Earth is Spinning at 1037 mph at the Equator (*”P“*), then a Non-Stop Commercial Flight from Charlotte NC to LAX traveling at 500mph Air Speed should take NO MORE THAN 1.5 hours. (*”Q“*)