Since the Earth is, as we’re TOLD, a Sphere 25,000 miles in circumference… radius 3959 miles, then Pilots traveling for 1 Hour @ a typical cruising speed of 500 mph — to simply MAINTAIN ALTITUDE, would constantly have to adjust their altitude downwards, (to Compensate for the Curvature) and descend on AVERAGE 2,789 Feet EVERY MINUTE !!

Now to negotiate “The DROP”, I really don’t care, the plane can: “Barrel Roll”“Split S”“Wing-Over”

“Tail Slide”“Slow Roll”“Cuban Eight”“Falling Leaf”“Chandelle”, or The Hokey Pokey …

Is this Clear Spherfers ??


A.  How many miles of VERTICAL DROP” (Geometric) *MUST BE* negotiated over a distance of 500 Miles on a Ball with a Circumference of 25,000 Miles?

Answer: 31.7 miles

How many Feet are in 31.7 Miles ??
Answer: 167,376 feet


SOOOOO… 167,376 Feet of VERTICAL DROP *MUST BE* Negotiated over 500 Miles on Earth.

1. REAL WORLD: I’m traveling by Commercial Plane from Pittsburgh PA to Atlanta GA for the Super Bowl.
a. Approx. distance: 500 Miles.


2. Typical Cruising Speed = 500 mph.

a. 500 Miles Distance at 500 Miles per hour = Travel Time of 1 Hour.



Question: How many *FEET of VERTICAL DROP PER MINUTE* on AVERAGE needs to be negotiated on my trip…?

b.  Total Feet VERTICAL DROP over 500 Miles = 167,376 Feet.
c.  Travel Time = 1 Hour.


Simple Calc: 167,376 Feet/60 Minutes.

Answer: 2789.6 Feet VERTICAL DROP Per Minute AVERAGE *MUST BE* negotiated by the Plane on my trip.

Does this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ happen ?  NO ???
The Sphere is a Stone Cold Spherytale !! …

B.  How many miles of  VERTICAL DROP” (Geometric)  MUST BE negotiated over a distance of 1000 Miles on a Ball with a Circumference of 25,000 Miles?
Answer: 128.3 Miles !!

How many Feet are in 128.3 Miles??
Answer: 677,424 Feet !!


SOOOOO… 677,424 Feet of VERTICAL DROP *MUST BE* Negotiated over 1000 Miles on Earth.

1. REAL WORLD: I’m traveling by Commercial Plane from Pittsburgh PA to Dallas TX.
a. Approx. distance: 1000 Miles.


2. Typical Cruising Speed = 500 mph.

a. 1000 Mile Distance at 500 Miles per hour = Travel Time of 2 Hours (120 mins).


Question: How many *FEET of VERTICAL DROP PER MINUTE* on AVERAGE needs to be negotiated on my trip…?

b.  Total Feet “VERTICAL DROP” over 1000 Miles =  677,424  Feet.
c.  Travel Time = 2 Hours.


Simple Calc:  677,424 Feet/120 Minutes.

Answer: 5645 Feet VERTICAL DROP (OVER A MILE !!) Per Minute AVERAGE *MUST BE* negotiated by the Plane on my Trip !!!

Modus Tollens:
If *”P“* then *”Q“*.
NOT *”Q“*.
Therefore, NOT *”P“*.

If Commercial Planes travel at 500 mph for 2hrs (1000 Miles) over a sphere with a radius of 3959 miles ( P ) it would then have to descend/negotiate 128.3 miles of vertical drop over the course of its journey ( Q ).
Commercial Planes DO NOT descend 128.3 miles while traveling at 500 mph for 2hrs (i.e., They Fly LEVEL). ( *NOT Q“* )
Therefore, the Earth is NOT A SPHERE. ( *Therefore NOT P“* )
Alice in Wonderland is more tenable than the BallTARD Spinning Space Monkey Religion.

The Prosecution Rests.
You live in a Fairytale.
The End.