SO…Basically, please explain how you can have a “Tire Pressure”…
2. How can you have a Vacuum (Outer-Space) attached to a Non-Vacuum (Earth) *WITHOUT* a Physical Barrier in the same system simultaneously, without Bludgeoning to a Bloody Pulp… the Laws of Entropy (2LOT) ??
3. And, This is kinda fun…How in the World did the Earth Form an Atmosphere at all… *”IN A VACUUM”* ?? From a big bang ??
Have you ever heard: *”Nature Abhors a Vacuum”*, by chance ? Why is that…?
Why do Spinning Space Monkeys™ continue to *”Wholesale Dodge“* , the very simple question to SUPPORT their Fairytale Religion ? …
This is the Question: *”How do you have Gas Pressure WITHOUT a Container ??“*
The Rhodes Scholar’s: “Why isn’t there a Container between Mt. Everest and Sea Level debacle??”
1. “GAS PRESSURE”. (“X“)

Necessary Antecedent >>>>> Consequent:
It’s quite simple:
Just like…
Baller’s EVIDENCE: Walk Outside.
^^^^^^ *The Elmer Fudd Circle Jerk of The Millennium !!!!*

EVIDENCE: Walk Outside.

Gas Behavior:
“Particles in a gas vibrate and move freely at high speeds.”
“The atoms and molecules in GASES are much more spread out than in solids or liquids.
“Observations about pressure may be explained using the following ideas. The rapid motion and collisions of molecules with the **WALLS OF THE CONTAINER “CAUSES” PRESSURE** (force on a unit area). Pressure is proportional to the number of molecular collisions and the force of the collisions in a particular area. The more collisions of GAS MOLECULES with THE WALLS, the higher the PRESSURE
*WALLS OF A CONTAINER*. Because the molecules are in motion, a GAS will expand to fill the *CONTAINER*. Since density is defined to be the mass divided by the volume, density DEPENDS DIRECTLY on the size of the *CONTAINER* in which a fixed mass of GAS is confined.”

No amount of Linguistic or Mathematical Acrobatics will change it.
btw: ( NEWSFLASH !!!: You CAN’T have VOLUME without a Container. )
.SO Say “Bub Bye Now“ to your BallTARD Spinning Space Monkey Religion.
“Boyle’s law, sometimes referred to as the Boyle–Mariotte law, or Mariotte’s law (especially in France), is an experimental gas law that describes how the PRESSURE OF A GAS tends to increase as the *VOLUME OF THE CONTAINER* decreases.

*V* is proportional to the inverse of P.”
Question: How can you have *VOLUME* WITHOUT a CONTAINER ?? …
” *VOLUME* is the quantity of three-dimensional space *ENCLOSED by a CLOSED SURFACE*, for example, the space that a substance (solid, liquid, gas, or plasma) or shape occupies or *CONTAINS*.[1] *VOLUME* is often quantified numerically using the SI derived unit, the cubic metre. The *VOLUME* of a *CONTAINER* is generally understood to be the capacity of the *CONTAINER* ; i.e., the amount of fluid (gas or liquid) that the *CONTAINER* could hold, rather than the amount of space the *CONTAINER* itself displaces.

PV = nRT (Ideal Gas Law, Generalization of Boyle’s Gas Law)
Show *”V”* without a Container…?

” *VOLUME* is the quantity of three-dimensional space *ENCLOSED by a CLOSED SURFACE*, for example, the space that a substance (solid, liquid, gas, or plasma) or shape occupies or *CONTAINS*.[1] *VOLUME* is often quantified numerically using the SI derived unit, the cubic metre. The *VOLUME* of a *CONTAINER* is generally understood to be the capacity of the *CONTAINER* ; i.e., the amount of fluid (gas or liquid) that the *CONTAINER* could hold, rather than the amount of space the *CONTAINER* itself displaces.

Spinning Space Monkeys™…

“For a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature, the volume is inversely proportional to the pressure. This is mathematically:
pV = k
“P” denotes the pressure of the system.
” V “ denotes the *VOLUME* of the gas.

” *VOLUME* is the quantity of three-dimensional space *ENCLOSED by a CLOSED SURFACE*, for example, the space that a substance (solid, liquid, gas, or plasma) or shape occupies or *CONTAINS*.[1] *VOLUME* is often quantified numerically using the SI derived unit, the cubic metre. The *VOLUME* of a *CONTAINER* is generally understood to be the capacity of the *CONTAINER* ; i.e., the amount of fluid (gas or liquid) that the *CONTAINER* could hold, rather than the amount of space the *CONTAINER* itself displaces.

1. According to the Fairytale Narrative, there’s a VACUUM “SURROUNDING” your Spinning Ball.
2. We Obviously have GAS (Atmospheric) Pressure.
4. The Gas Pressure IS NOT Expanding into the Vacuum. ERGO…

Spinning Space Monkeys, SIR ARTHUR here is Serenading You !!
Allow me to define “ WILL ” for the Window Lickers…
Definition “WILL” (Modal Verb): Expressing the FUTURE TENSE!!
“Gases behave differently from the other two commonly studied states of matter, solids and liquids, so we have different methods for treating and understanding how gases behave under certain conditions. Gases, unlike solids and liquids, have neither fixed volume nor shape. They are molded *ENTIRELY BY THE CONTAINER* in which they are held.”
(From nasa, )…
“The molecules are in constant, random motion and frequently collide with each other and with the *WALLS OF A CONTAINER* . Because the molecules are in motion, a GAS will expand to fill the *CONTAINER*. Since density is defined to be the mass divided by the volume, density DEPENDS DIRECTLY on the size of the *CONTAINER* in which a fixed mass of GAS is confined.”
Open, Closed, and Isolated Systems:
A Closed System is a system that exchanges *’ONLY‘*energy with its surroundings, NOT matter.
An OPEN SYSTEM can exchange both energy and matter with its surroundings.
A CLOSED SYSTEM, on the other hand, can exchange *’ONLY‘*energy with its surroundings, NOT matter.
An ISOLATED SYSTEM is one that cannot exchange either matter or energy with its surroundings.
IDIOT Spinning Space Monkey Claims —
1. “Because there is very little MATTER EXCHANGED between the Earth and Space, the Earth is Essentially a Closed System.” ??♂️
A Closed System is a system that exchanges *’ONLY‘*energy with its surroundings, NOT matter.
ONLY: used to show that something is limited to NOT MORE THAN, or is not anything other than, the people, things, amount, or activity stated.
ONLY: as a single fact or instance and NOTHING MORE or DIFFERENT.
NOT: used as a function word to make negative a group of words or a word.
ps. “Earth Loses Hundreds of Tons of Atmosphere to Space Every Day.”
2. ” A Closed System is ‘Like’ an Isolated System in Engineering.” ??♂️
“A *CLOSED SYSTEM* is a concept used in Thermodynamics *(Physics and Engineering) and in Chemistry*. IT DIFFERS FROM AN ISOLATED SYSTEM.
Anne Marie Helmenstine; Ph.D. Biomedical Sciences, B.A. Physics and Mathematics
Spinning Space Monkeys™… Say to your BallTARD Spinning Space Monkey Religion.